Wednesday, May 9, 2012


The Unfortuante Accident

You Belong With Me

Milk & Cookies

In the first picture, Marlon is walking and he doesn't notice that the floor is wet therefore in the second picture he slips, falls, and drops all of his books. In the second picture, Julianne is a nerd and chris is just this guy that she likes however, he doesn't know. They finally write to each other that they love each other on a piece of paper while looking at each other. In the last picture Kaylyn is about to eat milk and cookies, as a result she ends up with a milk mustache and no more cookies in the second picture :'(

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photo Journal

My favorite picture is the one in the beginning of my book because it's the most meaningful to me. The second picture is a picture of duck feet and on the right is the picture of a dead crab but i think it came out really well even though Ms. Friedman thinks it's really gross :P

Monday, April 2, 2012

Surreal Montage

"When Pigs Fly"

I started this project thinking that I was going to make myself into a robot but then I decided to change my idea into something different. I took the expression "When Pigs Fly" and made it surreal. In this image you can see pigs in the sky with wings. In addition to the pigs is me sitting on them. The surreal part of this image is that we all know that pigs cannot actually fly but fortunately enough with surrealism approach they can. Pigs are real, the sky is real, however the subject of pigs having wings and being able to fly while someone riding them is the more "far out" thought to the expression and the image.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Surrealism Idea

For my surrealism project i want to turn myself into a robot. I want to take my normal self and incorporate a robot-like structure to it. Half of my face is going to be robot and the other half is going to be modeled as a robot as well as my body. In my background i want it to be dark in areas but then some form of light casting on the main In the middle of my body i want to make it look like my skin is some what popping out and then you would see all the robotic pieces instead of normal human insides.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Jerry N. Uelsmann Unknown - Recent

Description: In this picture, there is a gaping hole in which is surrounded by water and has a ladder lingering through it. Surrounding the water the cloudy sky pursues itself directly above. In some areas the color is darker and as it fades it turns to light areas.

Analysis: The main focus of this photo would most likely be in the middle where the image is lighter and there's more objects as well as things going on. Although there's no people or moving objects other than the bird, the ladder says something as if something can come in and out of the hole in the water and make its way towards the light sky.

Interpretation: The photo doesn't consist of much however, i think it does prove some kind of concept. From my interpretation I think of how somethings can go as deep as the ocean, but there's always a way out. The ladder represents the way out into the opening with the sky and its exerting light.

Judgment: This photo interests me because its some what simple and it doesn't have to have a lot going on for you to think about the meaning behind it. From this photo i can clearly think of my own concept of what the photo is trying to portray even if my interpretation is different from that of the photographers.

Jerry N. Uelsmann was born in Detroit in 1934. Uelsmann recieves a BFA degree at the Rochester Institute of Tecnology in 1957 and MS and MFA at Indiana University in 1960. Uelsmann began teaching photography at the University of Florida that same year and he became a gradute research professor in 1974. Uelsmann's work has been exhibited in over 100 individual shows in the United States over the past 40 years. These exhibits include the Museum of Modern Art in NY, the Chicago Art Institute, the Museum of American Art in Washington and many more.

Rene Magritte: " The Son of a Man" - 1964

Description: This painting is a self portrait. The painting consists of a man wearing an overcoat and a bowler hat while standing in front of the sea and the clody sky. The man's face is covered with a hovering green apple, the eyes of the man can be seen peeking over the edge of the apple.

: This painting represents the stereotypical ideal faceless businessman. The backround stays simple while the sea and the brick wall meet at a horizon line as well as the sky and the sea.

: The apple covering the man's face covers the message that most people want to uncover the hidden meaning of things. Basically we all what to see what is hidden by something else we can see, not seeing what is behind that other object. This painting can lead to the intense feeling, and some what of conflict in which we cannot see what is hidden eventhough it is present.

This photo is one of my favorites because of the image and subject behind it. Magritte descibes the subject and the meaning being that you can see whats right in front of you eventhough it's there. When researching about this photo and artist, I came to realize the concept and what it's about. Having the apple in front of the man's face makes me understand the hidden meaning much more.

Rene Magritte
was born in Lassines, Belgium in 1898. Magritte began lessons in drawings in 1910. His prime median was using oil paint in which his earliest paintings were consisted of dating back to 1915 and of which we in the imperialistic style. From 1916 to 1918 he studied at the Academie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels however, remained unsuccessfully inspired. Magritte's oil paintings were influenced by the concept of "Futurism" that were produced in the years 1918-1924. In the years 1943-1944 he adopted the a colorful style for paintery in which he progressed in the period known as the "Renoir Period". His work began to be displayed in the United States in 1936, one exhibition being in the Museum of Modern Art in 1965 as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1992. Magritte died of pancreatic cancer in the year 1967 in his own bed.

In both of their works, Magritte and Uelsmann use different mediums to express their pieces and artistic ability to create and incorporate different concepts. Uelsmann uses photography and realistic characteristics of objects to bring an image to life and to provide a hidden meaning. Magritte uses his unique way in his colorful paintings to portray his own concepts behind the meaning of other meanings. In a way, most of Magritte's pieces go together to explain multiple stories. Uelsmann explains other excursions in life as a modern whole in his pieces. However, both artists experiment with the subject of surrealism when completing their art and sharing it with the world to see if other individuals can interpret what they see and compare it to what we see as their audience.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Photowalk 3.9.12 ;)

"Sour Patches"

30 Day Challenge

For my 30 day challenge, i used a refrigerator to put all my pictures on and then used different types of images as magnets to make it seem as though the pictures were being hanged on the fridge

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Hockney Photo

The first photo is of my dad. I took multiple photos of him from different angles to see which one i wanted to use in order to come up with this final one. His face is more longated than in the original picture. The second photo is of multicolored flowers from a down angle. There wasn't much of a backround because the flowers happened to take up most of the photo space. However, the flowers came together well while copying and overlapping multiple parts.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Partner Portraiture

In this picture, I'm flushing Kaylyn down the toilet because we thought it'd be really funny. The picture came out really well because the way her body is positioned makes it look as though she's flowing with the toilet water.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I chose the photo of me wearing my birthday crown because i thought it'd be a different way of showing how much I've changed over the years physically. As you can see in the older picture my hair is really blond and curly compared to now and how my hair is darker and straight.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Portrait Series

Forever Live
 Artist Statement

I never knew what the real components of what a well taken picture was, now that I've experienced the chance to take this portrait series I've sought new techniques.  By changing the color of all four portraits, this gave my work a more "depth of feeling" look. Each portrait of the series creates some what of a story in just a few pictures. I thought that ending the series with "Live Forever" would give the story a significant moral. A lot of people don't see the opportunities in which are right in front of them. This portrait series can express how I myself view life and how everyone should indulge in the way we seek new things everyday and I think this is a good way to show encouragement.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Artist Inspirations

"Umbrella Man" Sebastian Kruger is a characacher artist. In his works he uses an immense amount of detail as well as the concept of contrast. He's one of my favorite artists because he can take an everyday individual and exaggerate their physical characteristics which makes them look ridiculous. 

 "Grevy's Zebra" Andy Warhol is a famous Pop artist. In most of his works he uses vibrant colors to make the pieces stand out. Not only did Warhol paint, but he also worked in mediums including sculpting, printmaking, and cinema. 

"Hand with Reflecting Sphere" M.C. Escher is an artist well known for his works in drawing and printmaking. Escher is one of my favorite artists because he can make you see things from a different level whether it would be his use of repetition in his tessellations or the composition in his drawings.

"Unknown" Edgar Mueller is a familiar street chalk artist. Mueller's works interest me because their 3-D outlook that he applies. Although you know they are done of the simple street, he can make it seem as though you are really falling of a ledge or even falling into rapid water.

"Edward Scissorhands" Tim Burton is a famous film director, film producer, writer, and artist. Burton is one of my favorite individuals of all time not only for his art works but for his films as well. His "far-fetched" imagination and skills of creating quirky and weird characters proves a brisk uniqueness to me.